GuestMenu - the solution you are looking for in your restaurant
On 06/06/2019 KSGI Group Ltd. started the implementation of a grant agreement, within which this website and the product it offers to its customers were developed. The project is implemented under the terms of procedure BG16RFOP002-2.024 "Promotion of Entrepreneurship" and is worth 242 927.00 BGN, of which 165 190.36 BGN are financed by the European Regional Development Fund and 29 151.24 BGN are national grant.
The contract lasts 12 months and its main purpose is the realization of the entrepreneurial idea of the team of KSGI Group Ltd. to develop an online platform - computer software program and adapted mobile application in the form of a digital menu, corresponding to an identified market niche in the area of the restaurant business. The project measures include a plan for the implementation of specific activities that will jointly lead to sustainable development and sustainable employment in the enterprise and thus to the strengthening of the Bulgarian economy in favor of the sectors with higher added value. Among them are the selection of an expert team of professionals for the development of the application, the provision of facilities, the implementation of activities to confirm the presence and development of the product on the market, measures to make the necessary publicity of the implemented projects.
The project is implemented in accordance with the Innovative Strategy for Intelligent Specialization within the thematic area "Information and Communication Technologies".